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Mission Statement 

 Share Good News : God's Love

(Isaiah 52:7-How beautiful...those who bring good news, who proclaim peace. 

Matthew 10:7-8 - 7-As you go, proclaim..... 8 Heal the sick... Freely you have received; freely give. )


Figure out ways to share the Good News of God's love for us and fulfill the great commission given to us.

About Myself

       I am Sheela. I believe in God and God loves us all with out any discrimination. I believe in Jesus Christ is the way for everyone to know, understand and to be united with God. I believe God lived in the human form, Jesus, whose lifestyle when He lived on this earth, is a model for me. Being a Christian is not a religion but is the way of life, to believe God with whole heart, soul and mind, practice self care and to love others as oneself. 

     So I learnt from Jesus each day is a chance to smile more, laugh more, live the moment, to change, to exercise body&mind, to show or enjoy fruits of Holy Spirit(love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) because God wants us to live in peace and not to live life of Chaos. I believe in Holy Spirit, as comforter sent for us to give us wisdom to live and enjoy the life while on earth, go through the struggles/perils of life with patience, faith and endurance and to love ourselves and others even it is hard sometimes.  

    I also believe Purpose Driven lives.  In other words, while I await for Christ's Return in Glory or before I go Home to be with our creator God, I chose to Live peaceably, Forgive&move on, and Share God's love as much possible.  I always wondered how I can fulfill the great commission given to the Apostles and then to 72 others as written in  The Bible: Matthew 10/Luke 9&10.   I am finding ways to share God's love to others while living life that is God's gift for me.  That's my purpose. Good News Life, for mind, body and soul!

    I am always grateful to God, for my extended family, for my parents, brother and husband and for being there for me. My daughter is the inspiration to see if this idea works, by encouraging me to be the example.  

Feel free to share pictures with me that you find interesting. God's Creation is very beautiful - tag/mention @goodnewslife.sheela on insta, if you like this "movement"

Feel free to share with me the Tunes/Audio or life experiences that keep you going. God's wisdom is beautiful - Tag/mention @goodnewslife.sheela, if you like this "movement"

Feedback/Questions - Email me, your sister in Christ -

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